Adam Meierding is a Commander with the Saint Cloud Police Department in Minnesota. Commander Meierding has served at the Saint Cloud Police Department for over 16 years. Commander Meierding received his bachelor’s degree from Saint Mary’s University in Winona, Minnesota, his master’s degree from Concordia University in Saint Paul, Minnesota, and graduated from Northwestern’s School of Police Staff and Command. During Commander Meierding’s career he has served in numerous positions to include the Community Crime Impact Team (CCIT), the Violent Offenders Task Force (VOTF), Assistant SWAT Team Leader and Executive Officer, Patrol Sergeant, Criminal Investigation’s Sergeant, and Patrol Lieutenant. Commander Meierding currently serves as the commander overseeing the police departments Support Division. The Support Division includes the department’s Records Unit, Parking Unit, Front Desk, Central Watch, Training Unit, Recruit Academy, Fleet, Budgeting, Recruitment and Hiring, Property and Evidence, and Building Maintenance. Commander Meierding enjoys outdoor activities and most of all spending time with his wonderful wife and two kids!
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