The academy
The department’s 10-week academy consists of high-quality instruction using the latest law enforcement training techniques and philosophies to put our police recruits in the best position to succeed in their law enforcement career. Police recruits can expect to gain extensive hands-on training and knowledge in various topics to include use of force, policy and statute review, scenario-based training, etc. while being paid at the appropriate full police officer wage.
- Over 160 hours of use of force training; including 8-10 days of scenario-based training, firearms, and defensive tactics.
- A laptop for using during the academy.
- Recruits will learn a combination of L.O.C.K.U.P and PPCT.
- Tiered classroom setting for lecture.
- A mat room with padded walls and floors to conduct both stand-up and ground combative training.
- Training equipment such as UTM simulation weapons, training batons, knives, boxing gloves, blue guns and tasers.
Scenario Based Training

The St. Cloud PD academy provides scenario training to include high risk traffic stops, building searches, active threat, use of force scenarios, and mobile field force training. During the academy continuing scenarios throughout the academy will provide continued learning and confidence with new officers, prior to the Field Training phase.
exercise & WELLNESS

The St Cloud PD makes wellness a priority for their officers and family.
Officers have access to state of art workout room, with updated equipment, and available 24/7 for officers. A pickle-ball court is available inside the police department, available for use all seasons of the year.

The St. Cloud PD Academy houses a DT/sim room that makes numerous training opportunities available to our officers. Using low light/no light training techniques is also possible in this room.