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Community Service Officer

Mandy Hagstrom


My name is Mandy Hagstrom and I am a Community Service Officer (CSO) who works in the role of Crime Prevention Specialist for the St. Cloud Police Department. I started working for this department in October of 2008 as a Clerical Technician in Records. I typed reports for three years part time and then got promoted to the Community Service Officer (CSO) full time role and have worked in almost every CSO position in this department since then. I have worked in the Property & Evidence department, at the Front Desk as the Parking Violations CSO, covered for the Court Officer CSO and now work in Crime Prevention. I’ve been blessed to be able to see so many facets of the Support Division as a result and feel like I’ve been given a great perspective of the department as a whole. While often people think about police officers on the streets and SWAT teams when thinking about police work, there is a lot of work that gets done on the Support side that help assist patrol and the department and city as a whole. If you’re interested in police work but don’t think you’d like to actually be a patrol officer, this department has so many other opportunities for you to have a career in law enforcement. There are also several ways to continue to impact the department such as being on the Recruitment Team and the Peer Support Team, which I’ve been fortunate enough to be a part of. It’s hard to get bored working for this department. In my free time, I am very active in my church community, I like to go up north in the summer and spend time with family and friends. My husband and I also like to hike and travel. If you have any questions don’t hesitate to reach out!

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The St. Cloud Police Department is a full-service, highly sophisticated professional agency. Through innovate leadership and dedication to providing quality services, our Department maximizes its resources to provide a high-quality work environment. We give our officers the same respect and concern that we expect them to show all citizens with whom they come into contact in the line of duty.

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